About Us
At Pro Gres Tools Australia we want to raise the quality of work being carried out by Installers. We believe in supplying only the best quality tools and equipment to the industry thus lifting the standards of work throughout the Stone and Tile trade. All the items listed on our web site have been tried and tested by leading Stone and Tile Installers. All the brands that we stock are exceptional in quality so expect only the best.
Our 25 years of experience in the Stone and Tile industry has lead us to only carrying the best products for the most serious of stone and tile professionals.
Stone and Tile tools and equipment have changed significantly in the last 10 years. The reason for this is new technologies have brought us much larger and more precise tiles (the largest being 3.2m x1.6m), therefore new thinking was needed along with new equipment. Without the correct equipment you can not carry out these types of projects properly or efficiently. By using the correct tools not only will installers become more efficient, but also a lot quicker thus completing work sooner ready for there next project.